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(Philanthropy Photo) Africa Hwange Fri, 27 May 2016 14:59:15 GMT
Cheetah! This is the first time I've seen an actual kill on safari.  I've seen the aftermath with lions, vultures or hyenas feasting on the carcass of an elephant, buffalo or giraffe but to see a cheetah act so quickly to grab a steenbok for lunch was something else.  Of course, it's mixed emotions to see a little steenbok prancing along and then all of the sudden become lunch.  There are also a limited number of cheetah in the Hwange National Park, around 25, so to see two of them was lucky.  One of them had an injured leg but he seemed to be getting along ok. The guide said the two we saw were brothers.

(Philanthropy Photo) Africa Cheetah Hwange Fri, 27 May 2016 14:52:06 GMT
Wild Dogs Wild dogs are rare to see so it was a special moment to run across a pack of them just laying in the road.

From Wikipedia:

The African wild dog, African hunting dog, or African painted dog (Lycaon pictus) is a canid native to Sub-Saharan Africa. It is the largest of its family in Africa, and the only extant member of the genus Lycaon, which is distinguished from Canis by its fewer toes and dentition, which is highly specialized for a hypercarnivorous diet. It is classed as endangered by the IUCN, as it has disappeared from much of its original range. The current population has been estimated at roughly 39 subpopulations containing 6,600 adults, only 1,400 of which are fully grown. The decline of these populations is ongoing, due to habitat fragmentation, human persecution, and disease outbreaks.

The African wild dog is a highly social animal, living in packs with separate dominance hierarchies for males and females. Uniquely among social carnivores, it is the females rather than the males that scatter from the natal pack once sexually mature, and the young are allowed to feed first on carcasses. The species is a specialised diurnal hunter of antelopes, which it catches by chasing them to exhaustion. Like other canids, it regurgitates food for its young, but this action is also extended to adults, to the point of being the bedrock of African wild dog social life. It has few natural predators, though lions are a major source of mortality, and spotted hyenas are frequent kleptoparasites.

Although not as prominent in African folklore or culture as other African carnivores, it has been respected in several hunter-gatherer societies, particularly those of the predynastic Egyptians and the San people.

(Philanthropy Photo) Africa Dog Hwange Wild Fri, 27 May 2016 14:45:29 GMT
Lions - Oh my! Internet access hasn't been available so just getting a chance to post some pictures.  On safari in Hwange National Park, we had some amazing sightings. Although the amount of animals we saw weren't not in large numbers, what we did see was spectacular - lion, cheetah, zebra, elephant, jackal, hippo, giraffe, wild dogs, warthog, and lots of birds.  On our first night on our drive to the camp we saw Xander (said Zander) who is the son of Cecile, the lion that was killed last year.  I had the opportunity to see Cecile a few years ago when I was in Hwange so to know one of his sons has come back and take over the area and thriving was pretty exciting.  Xander had three lionesses with him the first night and the next evening we saw two of them again with their baby cubs - so cute!  All of the animals in the park seemed healthy, which you would expect given it was the end of the rainy season so they've had plenty of water and food. 

(Philanthropy Photo) Africa Cecile Circle GS Giving Hwange Xander Fri, 27 May 2016 14:21:28 GMT
Victoria Falls

]]> (Philanthropy Photo) Sat, 21 May 2016 06:06:57 GMT Girls to Victoria Falls

We took 13 girls to Victoria Falls on the Zambia side. They participate in girls clubs sponsored by Global Sojourns Giving Circle. so fun to experience them see the falls, some for the first time .

(Philanthropy Photo) GSGC Sat, 21 May 2016 06:06:40 GMT
Believe Summit 2016 This post is from Sunday, 5/15 but just getting a chance to upload pictures.

We've completed 3.5 days of our GSGC Believe Summit in Livingstone, Zambia.  GSGC grants to local grassroots organizations that are doing programs to educate and mentor girls who often the ones who don't finish school due to school fees, getting pregnant early, or lack of guidance.  The leaders of the seven organizations GSGC funds came together and shared what they are doing - what's working/what's not working, provide ideas for how to engage the girls, ways they can fundraise in addition to the GSGC funding they receive, and having some fun! 


(Philanthropy Photo) Fri, 20 May 2016 07:33:38 GMT
Elephants !

We've just returned from 3 days in Hwange National Park at Davidson Camp. Amazing sightings . . . eight lion cubs with two momma lions, cheetah kill (mix emotions of amazing and sad), and many others.

(Philanthropy Photo) Africa Thu, 19 May 2016 03:06:53 GMT
Sunset at Royal Livingstone

The first of many wonderful sunsets .

(Philanthropy Photo) Africa Sat, 14 May 2016 11:59:13 GMT
GSGC - Day 1 of Summit

A great first day of talking about goal setting, marketing, fundraising and networking with each other. The organizations GSGC grants to are located in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa so it's great for each of them to see what others are doing .

(Philanthropy Photo) GSGC Fri, 13 May 2016 07:44:43 GMT
Follow me on safari in Africa & GS Giving Circle trip! I invite you to follow along as I post pictures and narrate my upcoming trip to Africa.  This will be my 8th trip and I'm excited to share this experience with you.  My travels to Africa are a combination of philanthropy and vacation.  For the philanthropy portion, I'm on the Board of Global Sojourn Giving Circle (GSGC) ( and I'll be visiting our partners. The vacation portion gives me the chance to work on my photography skills and share the trip with you.

May 12-15, GSGC is hosting a Believe Summit in Zambia where we bring together our Partner organizations that have received funding through our annual granting process.  It's an opportunity for the organizations to share what they are doing, learn from each other, be inspired as well as learn what is working well and how they can improve.  Global Sojourns Giving Circle is focused on grassroots, local partners who strive to educate and empower girls, thereby strengthening their community. I'll be helping with the conference before we head out on safari.

May 16-18 is the start of the safari portion of the trip.  We'll have three nights at Davison's Camp where we'll explore Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe.  Be ready to see some fabulous animal photos!

May 19 we'll return to Victoria Falls where we'll have the opportunity to explore the falls and visit some of GSGC's partner organizations.  May 20 we'll transfer to Livingstone, Zambia to visit a few more GSGC partners. One evening we'll spend at one of my favorite spots - having sundowners on the deck of the Royal Livingston located on the Zambezi River and watch the sunset next to Victoria Falls.

May 22-25 we'll spend on the Chobe Princess Safariboat - a houseboat that will travel the Chobe and Zambezi River.  Game viewing is done from the main boat and from tender boats with local guides.

Internet will be intermittent so I'll be posting every 2-3 days.  Thank you for your interest and I hope you enjoy the journey!

Heidi Johnson Bixby

(Philanthropy Photo) GS Giving Circle GSGC safari Tue, 10 May 2016 17:53:51 GMT